

I want YOU!

I'm looking for "case studies" to help build my knowledge and experience. I'm willing to offer my services FREE OF CHARGE for three months. I thought I would make it a contest and ask each person to submit to me a video diary or blog entry and tell me why you deserve the help

Make your story real. Tell me where you are in your life, where you want to be, what you're willing to do and why you're the best candidate to work with.

I've been asked "why the blog entry?" for your contest. The answer is twofold. One, it allows the client a time to reflect on where they are now, where they want to be and what they expect out of this experience. By writing out their story, they start to own their history and acknowledge they need help. The second reason is, it allows me to go PUBLIC with my message of good health. I will be documenting our experiences together for the next three months here on Facebook and on this blog, which is the easiest and most affordable way to reach a large audience with training tips and client experiences. 

By making our experiences so public, it holds us BOTH accountable to put forth our best effort and results. It's a win win! So please create a blog if you don't have one already and write out your story. 

Submit that entry to me by next weekend. If you submit a video story instead, upload it to your favorite media sharing site (preferably youtube.com) and send me the link (doozerkilgore@gmail.com). I look forward to hearing your stories and meeting you all soon. :-)

We will start in May so you better hurry!

Send your submission to doozerkilgore@gmail.com and "share" this blog entry on your Facebook wall so your friends can see it too!

Thank you and I look forward to your stories


Healthful Tips #1

Hello everyone,

Each week I am going to share with you some Healthful Tips on what works with my family in hopes that it will inspire you or encourage you to try something new with your's.

I welcome your feedback!


A New Beginning!

Hello and Welcome!

I have started a new chapter in my life and I am excited to take you along on my journey of self discovery and living your best life.

If you scroll down and view to the left of this post, there is a designated area for people who are following this blog. Please click "follow" and comment as often as you want. I love the feedback and will be available to be a help to you whenever you need me.

Thanks for visiting!